Ok...well, not really. Its an exercise in Prioritize. Thanks to My good friend NJOYNLIFE, we are looking at what we would need to do to get ready for a vacation in 3 days...Make a list of what MUST be done in order to leave peacefully...so here is my list. Lets see if I can do it!!!
Finish all Laundry (3 loads??) Put Away!!
Pick Up Living Room and Declutter and Vacuum
Tidy Kitchen, Throw out leftovers, Make a list of meals I can make from what we have, Sweep and Mop and Declutter Counters/Wipe Down CountersDeclutter
Master Bedroom, Clean out from under bed and vacuum (for when delivery people bring new mattress) Put clean laundry away.
Tidy up Girls Room
Quick wipe down of Bathroom
I'll let you know how it goes :)